"The art can be practiced in one way or another, either in order to reinforce the ego in its value judgments, or to open the mind to the outside world, and the outside to the inside. (...) Through the study of Buddhism Zen with D. T. Suzuki, I thought of music as a means of changing the mind. I understood art not as something that consisted of the artist's communication to the audience, but rather as an activity of sounds in which the artist found a way to let the sounds are themselves. And, in being themselves, they can open minds to the people who made them or who heard them, to other possibilities they had not yet considered."
My life is marked by rhythms and music, moments that invoke the senses. Why do I remember all song lyrics growing up associated with episodes in my life? The corporal expression allied to the music make me move and invoke memories of moments... past, is the imaginary taking possession of my mind. Even today I could not understand what holds me to musicality and expression. But in these studies, a chapter dedicated to music and what it represents in the creative universe will be developed.
I will also focus on music allied to painting, since Kandinsky studied this phenomenon in his abstractions, it is something that is formed within itself consciously or unconsciously, it is expressive for the spectator to assimilate later. We will also see that "musical colors" are not assimilated in the same way by everyone.
In Studies, based on John Cage
Irina Marques
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