"All phenomena can be experienced in two ways. These two ways are not arbitrarily linked to phenomena - they stem from the nature of phenomena, from two of their properties:
Outside - Inside
But behold, we open the door: we come out of isolation, we participate in this being, there we become agents and live its pulse through all our senses.
The work of art is reflected on its surface of consciousness. It is "beyond" and when the excitement ceases, it disappears from the surface without a trace."
Kandinsky quotes
It will not be the work itself, as Klee stated, something unconscious that takes shape through the materiality to which it is subject, its execution is only possible through the materials available where its expression takes shape. Here I even venture to say that it is limited.
Maybe we can even go deeper and invoke psychology the primary phase of the work, it is born in the idea, this idea comes from something that is born in the unconscious, hence sometimes surreality is invoked, it is something not concrete, dreamed, idealized, it takes shape with different influences. Another stage takes place when we take the action, the choice of materials, the way we compose it, it already belongs to the process between the unconscious and the conscious, it is more or less known how we are going to approach the work, the colors we want already pass by a selection. The work itself, the one that is seen by the public, the final product, is already something conscious - where the narrative and understanding on the part of the painter who was executing it emerge. There, the process that takes place between the unconscious and the subconscious takes shape in consciousness.
So we would have an approach:
Unconscious - Subconscious - Conscious
Interior - Execution - Exterior
Imaginary - Formulation - Reality
In Estudos
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